Wilson Lutheran Church


Council Minutes


Wilson Lutheran Council Meeting Highlights

June 13, 2024

Pastor gave an update on his health. He has not had an imunotherapy infusion for the past 2 weeks due to low blood counts. This may be due to the chemotherapy drugs used during his treatment. He is receiving medication to aid in bringing his blood counts back up.

Pastor reports he is getting stronger but still tires quickly. He is thinking about taking a couple of Sundays off. He has not decided when yet.

Dave reported he spoke with Mike Ellefson about the doors to the narthex. Dave and Mike will
discuss further and report back.

Barb Lamb spoke with Mike about the condition of the back stairway steps. Mike will look at them to see if he would be able to repair it.

Pastor Bob, Dave, and Beka reported on the Synod Assembly held in Eau Claire June 6-8.The Reverend Martin Halom from Bloomer was elected to the position of Bishop on the 4th ballot.

Installation of Bishop Halom will be held September 16th. Location to be determined.

Pastor Bob wrote up a job description for the position of secretary.

Pastor Bob will develop an application for the position of secretary