Wilson Lutheran Church
Council Minutes
Wilson Lutheran Council Meeting Highlights
FEBRUARY 13, 2025
- Pastor Bob gave an update on his health
- There is one baptism and one wedding pending.
- Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5th.
- Wednesday Lent Bible Study will be held from 5:00-6:00P.M.
- Soup Suppers will begin on March 12th from 6:00-7:00 P.M. A sign-up sheet for volunteers to bring soup, bread, desserts, etc. will be put out in the narthex.
- Worship will be at 7:00 P.M.
- The front door replacement may be a month out yet. Dave had a conversation with Nick Pax. Nick reported that instead of doors with 2 window panels, we could save $1000 by getting doors with one 20”x34” window in each door. The panels would be clear glass.
- Road signs for the church are still in production
- Pastor Bob reported the day long Synod activity “”Walking Together.” Will be held on March 22nd at Bethany Lutheran Church in Rice Lake. Registration is $25. The Council will pay the registration fee for anyone who would like to attend fee for anyone who would like to attend the “Walking Together” activity.
- Discussion regarding Easter Lilies-Live or Virtual. Barb Lamb will order 8 live Easter Lilies for the church. Virtual Lilies will be sold for the church windows in the narthex. Cost will be $10-$12. Proceeds will go to the Spring Valley Cancer Fund.
- Discussion held regarding placing the “Green Jug” out during Lent and Easter. Contributions will go to help fund “Susan’s Mission”.
- The subject was brought up about ushers counting the offering after worship. It was decided if the ushers did not feel comfortable counting the offering another pair of ushers could do so in their place.